Thursday, June 7, 2012

Driving Alone At Night With The Music Privilege

The Law of Pediddleville dictates that I may not have full freedom to enjoy my choice of music in the car that I drive.  This has been a long-standing curse that I have endured and accepted with a sense of humor.  No matter what car I drive on a regular basis to work or anytime I go somewhere on my own, I usually drive the older, more beat-up of our two vehicles, and there is always some issue with the sound system in that vehicle.  The cassette or CD player stops working.  You only get one channel.  The knobs don't do what they're supposed to do.  You can only get the strongest of commercial radio stations.  I have soldiered through all of these unpleasantries in several different cars.  Pediddleville Law, being similar to Murphy's Law, makes it not worth fixing or replacing the sound system because the car won't be around long enough to warrant the expense.  So I endure with what I can get.  Since there is no chance of getting pulled over for a broken sound system, I endure longer than I usually do with a burnt out headlight.  Procrastination rules the Nation of Pediddleville, which gets its name from the one-headlighted automobile.

One night I was driving our better vehicle, a mini-van that has a CD player that actually works.  Though I didn't think to bring along any CD's, I found a burned CD-R copy of "With The Beatles" and "A Hard Day's Night" that I had made for my sons to listen to.  This is music so ingrained in my soul that I could listen to it in my head without any kind of sound system.  I do, after all, have a very good auditory memory.  So I was driving, listening to clear sounding music that I had chosen--Wow!  I had the The Music Privilege!  After I got close to home I realized that all this time I could have been listening to my friend DeadBob's radio show.  I was so into the idea that I had The Music Privilege that I missed out on something that I probably would have enjoyed more.

Well, the other day the car I've been driving crapped out.  This car had a dead CD player--radio only.  Now we'll be registering an old pick-up truck that I'll be driving.  You guessed it-no working sound system at all.  Thank God for the iPad I recently bought...the iPad my son dropped the other day and cracked the glass, and I didn't buy the insurance.

There's no place like Pediddleville...

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