Thursday, December 20, 2012

Scattered Thoughts...Tank Update #5...12-21-2012

Things are freaky/weird right now.  I got the feeling something big, not the End of the World, but something, is going to happen.  Terrence McKenna had a theory he called Temporal Resonance that seemed to show a wave pattern in the Time-Space Continuum.  Novelty, or interconnectedness, plotted over the time wave seemed to reveal repetition of the wave over periods of linear time that would resonate.  For instance, the beginning of the Dark Ages had a wave pattern that resonates with the Reagan Administration...

Anyway, according to his calculations, December twenty-first, 2012, the Winter Solstice, the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, is supposed to be where the wave finally reaches Zero, or maximum resonance.

Is it just me, or isn't everything speeding up and transforming?

Or maybe the Earth WILL align with the Sun and the Galactic Axis and some kind of gravitational sling-shot action will propel us into the Sun, then the Sun itself will be pulled into the super-massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.   Might be fun...

Anyway, the fish tank has been stable for a while now.  There are still five Dace and two of the other kind.  One of the two full-grown Dace has developed some kind of growth on its head.  I thought it was Ich, so I did a treatment, but the growth remains.  It looks like the meat is oozing out of the skin.  Like I said before, the Dace live in a Pediddleville all their own...