Thursday, June 23, 2016

Make The Americas Great Again

Pre-addendum:  Today I saw CNN broadcasting an interview with Cory Lewandowski, Trump's attack dog former campaign manager.  I didn't hear anything he said because the sound was low on the TV in the diner, but fuck him.  What really got me was the headline CNN was showing in the crawl:  "Trump praises Supreme Court for blocking Obama immigration plan"  Really, CNN?  Are you that shitty of a news organization that you would characterize it that way?  The Supreme Court voted, and came to an impasse, a tie, because the asshole party won't confirm or even allow for a vote on Obama's nomination.  That's not in any way the Supreme Court blocking anything.  Because of the tie, the lower court's ruling stands.  This is just protocol since there is an even number of justices who came to a tie vote.  And so CNN gives The fucking Donald a headline for this?

Now another attempt at clarification:  Lately Donald Trump's comments about Mexicans have been called "racist".  Though it pains me to defend him on this topic, he is not technically being racist.  A dickhead, yes, but not racist.  It is true that he has said racist things about African Americans, which is abhorrent, disgustingly misogynist things about women, downright cruel things about disabled people, very insensitive things about people he would characterize as "losers", and the things he's said about Mexicans are insulting and bigoted, but not technically racist.

Mexicans are not a Race.  They are citizens or residents of the country of Mexico.  Let's school Trump and his willfully ignorant followers on a little Geography.  The Western Hemisphere is known collectively as "The Americas".  There is NO SUCH COUNTRY AS AMERICA.  The Americas are made up of a group of countries on the continent of South America; places like Argentina, Peru, and Brazil, the thinnish strip of land comprising Central America; places like Panama and Nicaragua, and the three countries that comprise the continent of North America, which are Canada, The United States of America, and Mexico.  Yes that's right, Mexico is considered part of North America, no matter how icky it makes Skeeter and Bubba feel.  Therefore, everyone who lives in the Western Hemisphere is American.

Yes, Donald Trump, you asshole, Mexicans are every bit as "American" as you are.

Yes, Donald Trump, you fucking douchebag, it is time to make The Americas great again.

Yes, Donald Trump, it is time to build a fucking wall--around YOU.

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